Big Green Benefit Donations
We are beginning our 65th year as hard-working members of our community. Through our various efforts we provide direct scholarship support for student-athletes and provide other financial assistance to the Duck Athletic Fund.
Oregon Club will hold its 37th annual Big Green Benefit Auction on September 27th, 2013 in the Club Room at Autzen. The Big Green Benefit Auction is our largest fundraiser and has become a popular SOLD OUT event for the Club with over 400 in attendance. Our hope is that you would consider donating an item or service to this year’s auction. In return you would receive advertising as a donor to approximately 400 community members and business leaders in attendance. Your name or company’s name would be placed in our auction program, along with other event sponsors, as a contributor to supporting student-athlete scholarships and the Duck Athletic Fund. Oregon Club is a 501C (3) non-profit organization, Tax ID# 93-6025585.
Please take a moment to consider our request. Donating is easy and tax deductible. Just fill out the form below to make your pledge.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and all O Club Members, we want to thank you for your generous consideration and your donation. Thank you for your help in providing assistance to student-athletes at Oregon who may not otherwise have the opportunity. If you have any questions about the auction or the Oregon Club, please feel free to call Kirsten at 541-484-7527. More information can also be found by visiting our website at
Oregon Club will hold its 37th annual Big Green Benefit Auction on September 27th, 2013 in the Club Room at Autzen. The Big Green Benefit Auction is our largest fundraiser and has become a popular SOLD OUT event for the Club with over 400 in attendance. Our hope is that you would consider donating an item or service to this year’s auction. In return you would receive advertising as a donor to approximately 400 community members and business leaders in attendance. Your name or company’s name would be placed in our auction program, along with other event sponsors, as a contributor to supporting student-athlete scholarships and the Duck Athletic Fund. Oregon Club is a 501C (3) non-profit organization, Tax ID# 93-6025585.
Please take a moment to consider our request. Donating is easy and tax deductible. Just fill out the form below to make your pledge.
On behalf of the Board of Directors and all O Club Members, we want to thank you for your generous consideration and your donation. Thank you for your help in providing assistance to student-athletes at Oregon who may not otherwise have the opportunity. If you have any questions about the auction or the Oregon Club, please feel free to call Kirsten at 541-484-7527. More information can also be found by visiting our website at